New year, new focus

Happy New Year! Okay, I am a little late in saying that. It's just been a whirlwind things going on here.

My mini dachshund, Mocha.

I got a rejection for a historical romance from Harlequin in November. I am a little bummed, but I have something planned for the book--make it all female POV and turn it into a historical women's fiction. It will have to get in line to another book already in progress. 

I had some health issues going on from September to mid-December. I had to have surgery and the problem is now gone (as in removed!) I had my surgery the Monday after Thanksgiving and I did have some complications. One thing I know, an abdominal binder is your friend after abdominal surgery...and not all pain is gas related (as the post op nurse claimed). 

So I am getting myself back into a routine with writing. I took off several months for the before mentioned as well as some unrelated personal woes. Luckily I have a wonderful husband by my side to let me lean on him. I had the past year did a lot of gaming to keep sane as life tumbled around me. But it is time to stop playing so much and use my time to write...well, not all my time writing. Tyria needs me to fight the evil Elder Dragons and now to fight the Kryptis! (Guild Wars 2 reference.)

I had a writing retreat weekend with some local writer friends this past weekend. I did get some work done and figured out my focus. I have some new ideas on what I want to do. Also, I decided that I will go ahead and work on my MFA in Creative Writing. I hope to start in Fall 2025 with the next round of applications. (Fall 2024 deadline is past.) I always wanted to go for my Master's degree. I am not looking to get some NY job, but use the opportunity as a means to hone my craft. I have floundered for too long.


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