Back to nursing


Well, I went back to a day job. In February I had decided to go back (various reasons, like health insurance). My left shoulder hurt so I got it checked out and I had a torn rotator cuff. (I had my right shoulder rotator cuff repair in 2021.) I did end up getting surgery in April. In June I started looking at the tail end of my recovery. I applied to my former employer and it did not take long to get a hit. I ended up back with a doctor I worked for previously. He's suuuuper smart and I liked working with him as well as his team. I was warmly welcomed back.

So what does that mean for my writing? Oddly I am inspired to write. Before I found reasons to procrastinate. As in severe. I have been back for 2 weeks and my training period is ongoing as I learn the updated system. I figure I will go back to my Sunday morning writing stints. I wrote more those mornings than I have while I enjoyed a mini retirement. 

I am an LPN. Unfortuinately there is a shortage currently going on. Seems like it is an ongoing thing. Many LPNs I met over the years just use it as a stepping stone to RN. There's nothing wrong with that. However, offices needing nurses are hurting. I like being an LPN. I like working a cushy job in an office. I'm not up for running up and down hospital halls like I used to earlier in my career. I want something more...stable. I am very happy to be back to make the A-Team successful. (That's what another nurse in a different practice called us.)


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