On target

I decided to do CampNaNoWriMo this April. It will give me the push to finish my draft of a contemporary romance I'm calling Mediterranean Billionaire's Baby Surprise

I also decided to join Angela James' community over on discord. I figure I will get her to go over the first three chapters (as in pay her!) I figure she would definitely know if I can make the book work.

At the moment I am waiting on my new trusk to have the tailgate latch fixed. Yeah, it was faulty. I got a truck to use to haul stuff (ie. clean out Mom's house to sell), and the latch won't unhook. So, I am waiting on the fix today. I had to do this day long crap just to get it diagnosed. (Sigh.)

I did an investment in my writing by getting the Freewrite. I have to say, it is really awesome. I never realize how bad my habit of being distracted can be. I took it with me over last weekend and used it for a writer retreat. (Basically a few local writer friends went to a hotel and worked/socialized.) This kept me on target. The best advantage of this from the Neo2 is the fact it saves my text to a cloud automatically. Best function ever. Yeah, I could use a laptop, but for a draft, distraction free is the way to go. I may invest in the Freewrite Traveler for more on the go writing, but then my pen and notebook does that well. However, I type faster than I write longhand...and I have a hard time reading my own handwriting. I blame nerve damage from ulnar compression syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome. I got both arms/hands fixed but my right hand is much weaker now. My handwriting got a tad messier.

And yes, the "G" is a Georgia Bulldawgs symbol.


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